Perhaps the most commonly purchased type of insurance is automobile insurance, also called drivers insurance or car insurance. Although laws vary somewhat, virtually all states today require drivers to carry some sort of automobile insurance to legally operate a vehicle on public roads. The penalties for driving without insurance can range from fines to a suspended license or, in the case of repeated infractions, possibly even a short jail sentence. Given that drivers insurance is required in pretty much every state, its worth having some basic knowledge about the subject.
Types and levels of Coverage
The type of insurance coverage a person needs, and how much they will pay for that coverage, vary depending on a number of factors, such as the age of the driver, his or her driving record, the age and value of the vehicle, the dollar amount of the coverage, and whether the vehicle is fully paid for. While auto insurance can get pretty complex, there are four types that everyone should be aware of.
Liability coverage is the most basic type of coverage; it protects the driver against any claims that might be brought after an accident or other incident that is the drivers fault. This is usually the minimum coverage that a driver needs to be considered insured. Liability insurance usually has the lowest premiums, but it doesnt cover any damage to the drivers own vehicle; thus a lower monthly premium needs to be balanced against the risk of a potentially large financial burden. Also, most loan lenders require a driver to carry comprehensive coverage until the borrower has paid off the loan in full.
Collision insurance covers part or all of the cost of repairs to the drivers vehicle in the event of a collision, based on an estimate of the project cost for the repairs. While collision insurance can definitely pay for itself in the even of a car crash, the monthly premiums are higher than simple liability. Most policies are also subject to a deductible, which means that the policy carrier is responsible for paying a set amount before the insurance company pays. Deductibles vary widely; generally speaking, though, the higher the deductible, the lower the monthly payments, and the lower the deductible, the higher the monthly payments will be.
Comprehensive coverage is typically required for vehicles that are still in the process of being paid for. Many vehicle owners also carry comprehensive coverage for expensive or otherwise valuable vehicles. Comprehensive coverage covers damage that isnt the result of a collision fire, theft, vandalism, and so on although the exact items covered can vary quite a bit from one policy to the next.
Comprehensive coverage is typically required for vehicles that are still in the process of being paid for. Many vehicle owners also carry comprehensive coverage for expensive or otherwise valuable vehicles. Comprehensive coverage covers damage that isnt the result of a collision fire, theft, vandalism, and so on although the exact items covered can vary quite a bit from one policy to the next.
Uninsured Coverage protects you if an uninsured or underinsured driver hits you or your vehicle. Although insurance is a legal requirement in most places, that doesnt mean that everyone on the road is insured. This type of coverage means that you wont get stuck with the repair bill if someone less responsible than you involves you in an accident.
Each type of insurance is available at several different levels of coverage; the higher the coverage (in dollars), the higher the premium will be. Premiums will also increase if the driver is involved in an accident or receives tickets for traffic infractions. Additionally, premiums are higher for males than for females, for younger drivers, and for drivers in urban or higher-crime areas. Despite this, however, automobile insurance is a necessity for any responsible driver.
What You Need To Know About A Car Insurance Adjuster?
If youre in need of a car insurance adjuster then there are a few facts you should know before you meet with him/her. The first rule of thumb is that if your car insurance adjuster is over friendly remember, he is there to save money for the company he works with, not especially for you.
Dont ever sign anything without reading every detail and never underestimate the good will of the car insurance adjuster. If the adjuster wants to discuss anything on the phone, request that you would rather meet with him/her in person until after your insurance claim is settled.
You can be pleasant with the insurance adjuster but stay firm. No matter what happened at the scene of the accident, it is not the car insurance adjusters fault if the person that hit you was an idiot. Dont underestimate the importance of an adjusters impressions because they all go into your file. The way you act toward him/her could have an influence on your insurance claim later.
Even if, for example, your car hit a deer, insurance adjusters will even be called for this too, to estimate the amount of damage to the car. Again let the adjuster do his/her job and be friendly. When you hit a deer it can cause the same amount of damage in some cases as hitting a car, or even worse. Let the car insurance adjuster look at the damage and make up his/her own mind regarding the extent of damage. Again dont sign any thing until your car insurance claim is settled.
An independent car insurance adjuster is also expected to settle insurance claims quickly. This person may not owe a particular allegiance to a specific insurance company, but they want to collect the fee from the company. An insurance adjusters authority to settle a claim is restricted, but the adjuster will do everything possible to make sure you get treated fairly
The bottom line is dont let a car insurance adjuster suck you into thinking hes your best friend in the world, only to be let down later. This is the nature of job and no matter how friendly the adjuster is, he/she is there to do a job. You have little to do with that except provide them with information needed to assess the damages to your car.
Just be a little careful when dealing with a car insurance adjuster.